zondag 16 september 2007

Mostly Harmless

It is said the tradition we received from the Templars originated from Adam through Salomon. It was kept through the Roman Mystery cults (Eleusis), the school of Pythagoras, the Essenes (the Red Sea Scrolls), the Kabbalists, the Rosicrucians. One of the brotherhoods that passed on the knowledge (gnosis) was said to be a strange group of naked men walking from village to village in India.
When the army of the Macedonian Alexander the Great reached the Indian sub-continent in the fourth century before the Christian era, they dubbed them Gymnosophists (the naked philosophers). Macedonian philosopher Onesicritus was dispatched to try to understand their belief system. The founder of scepticism, Pyrrho, also researched their ideas. As a result, nudity became accepted in some Greek subcultures, among which the Spartans.
Most probably those wandering men were Jains, an offshoot of Hinduism from the 5th century BC, known for promoting non-violence and veganism. Another group called the Ajivikas has similar ideas, but believes we should accept whatever fate throws at us. Both cults give up worldly goods, symbolized by their nakedness.
Further on, the jains themselves separated into two factions, in the North the Svetambar Jains and in the South the Digambar Jains. The former holds the - in hinduist circles - progressive view that women are spiritually equal to men. Also because of the colder climate in the North, they found it impractical to remain naked and started to wear white cloths (hence their name). In contrast, Digambar means ‘clothed with the sky'.

Today in India the Jains still walk the earth, sweeping the ground before their feet to be sure not to kill insects.
And the New Gymnosophist Society in the Western world promotes naturism. Their most famous member was Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern day wicca…

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zaterdag 15 september 2007

Pull my finger

Once you'll stop
from the bottom of your being

and start the action
from your non-being

and only then
will you be able to make a new choice

this is the teaching our deaths offer

woensdag 12 september 2007

The Dynamics of Ontology and Eschaton

I just heard an old lecture by Terence McKenna ('Earth Trust') where he mentionned the biblical "in the beginning was the verb, and the verb was made flesh". To him that little sentence stands at the source of our civilisation.
To me it suddenly seems the key to grok the hidden meaning of all three monotheistic religions in the West. In this interpretation, its location at the very beginning of the bible seems quite useful.
Its meaning to me could be synthesized in the following statements:
  1. Our world is made of words: the core of our reality consists of language.
  2. It is also specified our ideas about the world do not follow our impressions of it, but ‘contrarywise’ - our ideas shape our realitie(s.).
  3. The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is also hidden in there: all we can say about consensus reality is the way we communicate about it.
  4. Kinda resonates with the buddhistic concept of reality as the ultimate illusion. Also reminds of Kafka's and Robert Anton Wilson's consecutive parables of the Door of the Law.
  5. In short it might prove useful if we should realize that everything we experience is a mental construction, so that the only valable object of study would be the way we look at the world. Let's try to expand and explore our reality tunnels, instead of claiming to try to ‘know’ a certain dogmatic truth.
It seems strange how gnosticism, kabbalah and sufism all saw this as the expression of the ontogeny of how we realize our life – every second of it, while christendom, jewdom and islam all interpreted this passage as the ontogeny both in time and space in the beginning of history and through the creation of matter; further on elaborating in the same chronology with the downfall and the idea of punition and redemption; and finally offering the concept of the eschaton as placed on a time belt as well.
Maybe both ontology and eschaton might be considered out of time as a dynamic duo of self-realization. Seeing the world as a hologram - a projection - also means to accept the fractalized universe. Might we therefore imagine infinity in a grain of sand and the angels of beginning and of ending on the same end of a pin, not competing but as two aspects of the same?

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