Bob's Meme-orial on February, 18th shall become a worldwide event. Apart from the major Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Meme-orial in Santa Cruz, it seems more and more activities get organised worldwide. The Robert Anton Wilson Wake Blog centralizes all this information.
In Europe lots of plans it seems but nothing concrete yet. I'll try to update this post when information becomes available.
Donnacha Delong goes for London,
Wal for Trier or Koblenz,
Purple Gooroo might go for Oxford
and Rev. Clarry might do Brussels
all contact e-mails at the above Wake Blog.
Here at the Eburonic Convent of 'Pataphysics HQ the Archdruid might have a lonely ritual involving insane doses of Guinness and Absinthe. On the other hand, I could go to London or Brussels. If I don't find a leprechaun very soon a journey halfway to the other side of the globe seems phynancially out of question. Maybe…
Wordt wakker België
Réveille-toi Belgique