I collected quite a lot of bookmarks on the subject of 'pataphysics throughout the years. For those of you who wish to understand the title of this blog, give it up and go elsewhere. For those of you who do not wish to understand anything but want to add to their confusion, follow the links below and let your mind flow with the go.
001-01. Colleges and institutes.
- "He engagingly confessed that he had no idea what it meant, but simply that (pataphysics) was a 'buzzword' to indicate the sort of thing they were trying to do. For a 'pataphysician, of course, this definition is as good as any other, all things being equivalent"
Collège de 'pataphysique
The official homepage of the noble institute which started in 1958. The fourth Vice-curator is presently an Ugandese crocodile, Sa Magnificence Lutembi (the first one, Sa Magnificence le docteur Irénée-Louis Sandomir was a painting). In French, this site only started a few years ago and it shows. The structure seems sometimes a bit weird with links cross-leading to other links, links not working and many pages obviously under construction. But still the best site worldwide on the subject. Gives answers to the questions 'What is 'P?', 'What is the collège' etc. Lists exhaustively the publications of the college and their activities. Every of the 70+ departments has its own pages. I like the lay-out of the site. Books published by the college cannot be ordered, you have to be a member in order to delve into their treasures (hehehe) and most of the older books are sold out anyway, but the most recent publications can be found in a little parisian bookshop librairie Va l'Heur, 27 r. Rodier 75009 Paris. Some higher members of the Collège ('Optimates') of non-French nationality started their own institute in their country of origin. Mosbunall of them are listed below. Other associations have no thing to do with the college, they'll be listed another time.
United Kingdom
The Institutum Pataphysicum Londinense is the British counterpart of the collège. For the moment their website found a place in the larger site of the excellent Atlas Press.The LIP has already published a large amount of books and is united in several divisions: the bureau of subliminal images, The Committee for Hirsutism and Pogonotrophy, The Department of Dogma and Theory, The Department of Potassons, The Department of Reconstructive Archaeology, The Office of Patentry and The Pataphysical Museum and Archive. This last one, located in Highgate, London, can be visited by appointment. Many books can be purchased in bookartbookshop, 17 Pitfield st. in London. The LIP also tries to unite all institutes (outside of the Collège) to collaborate and intended in 2003 to start a website groupingas much information as possible. Patience is a 'pataphysical virtue, so wait & see…
A lot of organisations here, most of them started under the major influence of Enrico Baj. More Italian pataphysical links on the excellent Ubuland.
Institutum Patafisicum Mediolanense
Milanese institute, the first foreign institute founded in 1963 by Farfa. Brought together Enrico Baj, Dario Fo, Umberto Eco etc. Sadly no website.
Istituto Patafisico Vitellianense
Only three pages on this Italian institute. Dates back to 1994. In Italian. This institute started in Viadana under Enrico Baj, Imperatore Analogico e Digitale, now deceased.
Istituto Patafisico Partenopeo
Beautiful flashy site from Naples under the rectorate of Mario Persico. In Italian. They publish a magazine 'Patapart' folded and cut in different bizarre formats.
Simposio Permanente Ventilati Patafisici Benacensi
Started in 1987 in Riva del Garda.
Collage de 'Pataphisique
From Lovere, this institute was founded in 1991 by belgium-born Tania Lorandi. Organizes happenings.
Istituto Patafisico Ticinese
Turin Institute of Pataphysic
Started by Propagatore Generale Virgilio Dagnino in Turin in 1979.
Dipartimento Etrusco di 'Patafysica
Started in 2001 under Prefetto Poliedrico Etrusco Yari Spadoni. They seem to publish a bulletin "Soluzioni Immaginarie" in Italian. No website.
Novisimo instituto de altos estudios pataf’sicos de Ubuenos Aires
A large site concerning the activities of this Argentinian institute. In Spanish. Hosts a beautiful collection of gidouilles. Patagonia and borges are well represented.
Bâtafysika - Nederlands Instituut voor 'Patafysica (NIP)
The chairman of this Dutch institute is a gigantic steam pump constructed in the 20s to preserve the region of Friesland of floods. The site is in Dutch.
Centre de recherches Périphériscopiques
A Swiss institute. Not very active on the net, deals mainly with 'contrepets' and other wordgames. They seem to publish little books (in french) but none is mentioned online.
Vlaams Patafysisch Instituut
No idea if this still exists (and I live there), this Flemish-speaking institute is only known to me by its two members: the now deceased sado-pornografic sculptor Roland Monteyne and filmmaker Harry Kumel (who made the only belgian movie with Orson Welles).
The Eburonic Convent of 'Pataphysics
Although connected through the Science (another name for the 'P), the Convent seems the brainchild of a non-active member of the College, member of the 'Sous-Commission des Onomonymes' with the rank of Resident. Supposedly the band The Residents is one of the main influences in the auditive evolution of the ArchiOvate, who seems the same person as the keeper of this very blog you're reading now. Watch these spaces somewhere in 2007 for an elaborated overview of the EC'P.
Institut Pataphysique Vestrogothique
Since 2003 under the leadership of Rektor Magnificus Elis Ernst Eriksson (who died in 2004 at the age of 96).
Suomalais-Ugrilainen Patafysinen Keittöseura - Finno-Ugriska Patapfysiska Kökssällskapet
Institute from the region of Lapland in Finland, started in 2001. Son Emphytéose Timo Pekkanen, the founder, is a bicycle maker.
Fantastic blog.
Propiciador Orgánico
Fantastic blog.
Coming from rafael Cippolini, the Propiciador Organico of the Novísimo Instituto de Altos Estudios Patafísicos de Buenos Aires, I appreciate the compliment. For lots more links than I can provide visit this blog (in Spanish)
Chile is pataphysiqqqq!
good blog!
Distinguished Borsky:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenAdd to its list of institutions www.colegiodepatafisica.blogspot.com (The official blog Colegio de´Patafísica, Santiago de Chile)
Our badge: http://colegiodepatafisica.blogspot.com/2007/04/m.html
Prognosticating a fructiferous relation, as we keep with the others Institutes and Colleges, I hope to be these the beginning of a lot of exchanges. By here, we will celebrate every sending. With Faustroll. You will periodicly get ours.
Please confirm your address, anyway: baalbabilonia@gmail.com
The ´Pathaphysics cover us!
Faustrollmente suyo,
Daniel Madrid