zaterdag 2 september 2006

A pregnant god

My cat god had 4 healthy kittens last friday. This seems the most important event of the year to me.
God came living with me last year in August and became good friends with my male cat KIA. I always wanted to be able to yiel 'god' at the end of the day to get her inside, and to watch the puzzled looks on the face of the neighbours.
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As KIA was neutered years ago, god became quite close with one of the infinite number of cats from the farmer next door.
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In her 12th month she became pregnant.
Finally on the 25th of August 2006 she gave birth to four healthy kittens. The first one (I'll call hir Elohim 1) she abandoned and came to me for help, too young and too much in pain to realize what she was supposed to do. With a little help nature took over and she took care of number one while number two was on its way. The last one, born after three hours of labour, seemed very weak and I thought (s)he wouldn't make it. Today it's the biggest of the bunch and the most dominant, while number one turns out the smallest.
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The first four days she kept them safe under a warm blanket.
Below pics of day 1…
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Day 2…
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Day 3…
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Three days ago she moved them from under the blanket to a shelf next to the ead end of my bed. I felt honoured for the trust.
Day 7:
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Today (day 8) I took pics of each one individually.
This is the smallest and first, completely black:
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This is Elohim two, black with a white moustache, the only one whose eyes opened yet, extremely curious and hard to photograph:
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This is Elohim three, white belly and a white mark on the forehead:
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And this is Elohim four, the big one and very ugly for the time being. Looks like a cow.
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